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How Can We Help?

Please choose what you are seeking to help us get you services in the quickest manner possible.


In Warranty.

GEThermadorMieleWhirlpoolSamsungNapoleonBoschVikingLGAskoSubzeroWolfSpeed QueenScotsmanBestBlue StarElectroluxFrigidaireCoveU-LineZ-Line

Is your home appliance under manufacturer's warranty or an extended warranty?

Schedule service online from your manufacturer from the above links.

For extended warranty contracts, please contact Epic Warranties at
1-800-452-3599 or schedule extended warranty service online here.

Out Of Warranty.

Is your home appliance OUT of manufacturer's warranty? Then we can help! Simply fill out the form below or call or text us at 734-972-2604 to schedule an appointment. (Service department hours are Mon-Fri: 8AM - 4PM)

Our $99.00 diagnostic fee includes sending one of our highly skilled and trained technicians to your home to accurately diagnose the issue with your appliance and provide an estimate of costs for the repair. Full balance will be collected at the time of repair. If the repair turns out to be more than you wish to spend and would rather replace the unit, our technician will provide you with a $40.00 credit to one of our 3 store locations where you can easily choose a replacement appliance of your favorite brand!

Please complete the fields in the contact form, giving as much detail as possible. We will contact you via text or email with the next steps, including recommendations if we are unable to perform your requested service.


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